Current Work
On this page, you will find an updated list of our current projects, goals, and objectives, including our scholarly, research and creative activities.
HOPE Centre's Current Objectives
Creating a Centre Advisory Board to serve as an arm’s-length committee guiding the continued research and financial development of the Centre.
Maintaining and updating the HOPE Centre’s website to ensure we stay up to date with our community.
Continue conducting funded research.
Establishing a Terms of Reference and strengthening the Centre’s infrastructure.
Host a Fall community symposium to better support the health of people who live with or are affected by HIV, who are LGBTQ2S+ as well as Black, trans, racialized, Indigenous, and/or live with disabilities, by facilitating community consultation and needs assessment.
Establishing a biannual newsletter and mailing list following the successful launch of our Centre to foster and maintain community engagement with our Centre’s activities.

Grants Funded by the CIHR
Sexual and mental health of black queer communities during the COVID-19 pandemic
Aim: To examine experiences of Black 2SLGBTQ+ who live in Ontario during COVID-19, specifically access to sexual health resources (HIV testing, PrEP, sex education) and mental health services with an emphasis on surviving and thriving.
Principal Investigator(s): J. Garrett-Walker, Tatiana B.
Ferguson (prior Steering Committee and Black Research Group member)
Community Partners/Advisors/Knowledge Users: Black Queer Youth Collective; Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention, Garfield Durrant, Women’s Health In Women’s Hands, Wangari Tharao, Lance McCready, Mona Loutfy, Trevor Hart
Grants Funded by the SSHRC
Building gender diverse communities - Developing an informed, youth-led, model of care for the trans youth served by the M'Wikwedong Friendship Centre
Aim: This partnership will support a team of Indigenous and racialized trans researchers and our partner, M’Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre, to develop a practice framework and a corresponding actionable plan to address the needs of the Two-Spirit, Indigenous, and non-Indigenous trans youth they serve. The goal to develop a set of actionable items that the M’Wikendong Friendship Centre as well as local health and community agencies can implement to better serve their trans youth.
Principal Investigator(s): Julie James
Community Partners/Advisors/Knowledge Users: M’Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre, practitioners in Grey-Bruce County in healthcare, education, and community services.