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Black Research Group

About The Black Research Committee


The Black Research Group is a Black- and queer-led committee centering around the lived experiences, community, and research expertise of Black queer community members and researchers. The research is guided by a theoretical framework including anti-oppression/anti-racism, intersectionality, minority stress, trauma-informed practices, and strengths-based approaches.


The research working with Black queer people living in Ontario aims to address important gaps in academic and community knowledge about Black queer people in Ontario. The goal is to promote a greater understanding of the sexual health needs, facilitators to positive mental health, and best practices to increase engagement with sexual and mental health services for the Black queer community in Ontario.

Current Ongoing Studies

Sexual and mental health of black queer communities during the COVID-19 pandemic

Aim: To examine experiences of Black 2SLGBTQ+ who live in Ontario during COVID-19, specifically access to sexual health resources (HIV testing, PrEP, sex education) and mental health services with an emphasis on surviving and thriving.


HOPE Centre Principal Investigator(s): J. Garrett-Walker, Tatiana B. Ferguson (prior Steering Committee and Black Research Group member)


Community Partners/Advisors/Knowledge Users: Black Queer Youth Collective; Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention, Garfield Durrant, Women’s Health In Women’s Hands, Wangari Tharao, Lance McCready, Mona Loutfy, Trevor Hart


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